12 Days of Christmas Sale

102 South Indian Road
Leoti, KS 67861
Phone: 620.375.2044
12 Days of Christmas Sale
December 5-10, 12-17
For 12 days we will be featuring a different item that will be on sale, on that DAY ONLY. Be sure to stop by or call in to purchase these items while supplies last.
During the 12 Days of Christmas the following is on SALE:
1. December 5 - Fun Yo-Yo Towel Bundles, includes Towel, YoYo maker, & Pattern: $14.00
2. December 6 - Quilt Happy Mug with Notions: $20.00
3. December 7 - Quilt Block pre-cuts "PODS": 25% OFF
4. December 8 - LED and Ott Lights: 25% OFF
5. December 9 - Wallet Kit: $20.00
6. December 10 - Kits by Carla (Shortcuts Sheets): $5.25 each
7. December 12 - Wedge Iron: $30.00
8. December 13 - Shortcut Binding Ruler: $17.75
9. December 14 - Cuddle Kits: 25% OFF
10. December 15 - Ruler Caddy and Ruler: $24.75
11. December 16 - Quilter's Select Mats and Rulers: 25% OFF
12. December 17 - All Quilt Kits (Excluding BOM Kits): 25% Off
We'll be open during normal business hours during the 12-Day of Christmas Sale. Happy Holidays!
Gift Certificates Available
Surprise a quilting friend with a Prairie Flower Quilt Co. Gift Certificate. We have made it easy to share your love for quilting and fabrics with those you love. Gift Certificates can be used in-store or online. Check out at online store today! http://www.prairieflowerquilts.com/on-line-shopping.htm
Mark Your Calendars
Also, starting in January 2017 we'll be having the following events:
1. New Block of the Months
2. Mystery Quilt
3. Saturday Sampler